Thursday, October 21, 2010

Article in LA Health News Magazine

Here is an article that I wrote for LA Health News Magazine. It is in the October issue.

January 16, 1999. It was a day that changed my life forever. My husband, Dennis, died in my arms that night. It was devastating to watch someone I loved more than anything suffer and die in pain. I can still remember how hopeless and helpless I felt. If only I had known then what I know now. Hypnotherapy could have given him strength, peace and comfort during his journey with cancer.

Hypnotherapy is a complementary modality focusing on the mind-body connection of the whole person and not just the disease. It is a natural state wherein the mind is open and receptive to suggestions. The hypnosis process induces the patient into a relaxed, calm state so that the mind is clear and focused allowing the patient to make rational decisions throughout the entire cancer ordeal.

Stress and anxiety are known immune system suppressors and further exacerbate the situation of a cancer patient. Hypnosis provides tools and techniques to reduce stress and anxiety and thereby boost the immune system.

Hypnosis can combat the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation by redirecting the patient away from negative expectations toward positive aspects of healing. It helps manage and control pain and alleviate insomnia and fatigue.

Hypnosis provides calm and relaxation prior to surgery and helps focus on the best possible outcome. It reduces pain and facilitates the post-surgery healing process.

Each of my hypnotherapy sessions is personalized to meet the needs of the client and incorporates consultation, goal identification, hypnotic induction, progressive relaxation and guided imagery. I also make home and hospital visits for those that are too sick to travel.

As a former caregiver, I recognize that the needs of family are just as important and should be dealt with as well.

My clients receive hypnosis take home tools which include self-hypnosis, relaxation and healing cd’s, and breathing and relaxation techniques.

My personal loss to cancer and my work at the Wellness Community has instilled a deep sense of compassion for the cancer patient. I have a passion for my work and understand what it takes to help cancer patients and their families get through the many challenges of cancer.

Paula Getty,

Certified Hypnotherapist
